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11! And My Dreams Come True.

Posted by | May 08, 2015 | BAMBINOS | 16 Comments


“Every great dream begins with a dreamer.” ~Harriet Tubman

Kyle and Owen turn 11 today. They are taller than me, and they are larger than life. But they are still my babies. I was about their age when I began dreaming about the life I wanted to live. I’m living it. And these boys are a big, huge piece of it. They are my dreams come true. Today we celebrate their birth.

This day is always emotional for me. I have to use my imagination to picture what the scene must have been like, in Cite Soleil, Haiti, on the day they were born. Sometimes I let my mind go there, and I try to imagine it. Hot and sticky and raw, people pushing the confines of everything, and twin baby boys about to begin an epic journey. We have records that say K & O were born at 2pm. Their birthmother would have been in labor right now, eleven years ago. I cannot even fathom it from her perspective. I wish I could have been there.

I never thought I’d be that adoptive mother — all melodramatic about grieving losses and missing pieces. But here I am. I’m her: all weepy and flooded with emotion. Thinking about all we’ve gained and all we’ve lost has become an annual event for me on this day. It is so much more than my sons’ birthday.

My sons, however, are all rich-lightness and dreamy-eyed leading up to May 8th. I check in with them, thoroughly and consistently, year-to-year, as we approach this day. But, at least so far, they aren’t like me with this day. They understand the grief, the loss, and the missing pieces of it. They know the impact. But they save their own churning emotions for their Adoption Day. Birth Day seems reserved for pure celebration.

So, I guess, at least for now, we take turns. They have their annual upheaval in January. Me, in May. This has become our pattern. And while their January is so painful for me to witness, in the past couple of years it’s become clear to me that they enjoy seeing me all choked up and pensive and wrought with my May emotions. They seem to savor observing me go through it– they smile at me, tease me, and hug me or pat me on the back. “Oh Mom!” they say, and they appear filled with what I can only describe as elation, exhilaration, glee. They love it.

When they were little and they’d be struggling or sad, we’d talk about how my hugs and kisses and whispering-of-sweet-nothings were meant to “fill up their love tanks.” I’d see them downtrodden and ask, “Do you need your love tank filled?” And I’d pull them up onto my lap and fill them right up. I see them now, at 11, getting their love tanks filled up on seeing how deeply I ‘get’ the love, loss, and depth of it all in May. I think they like seeing (need to see?) their mama all broken up over the missing pieces, while at the exact same time creating the celebration of all the awesome. While I’m weepy over losses, I’m also the most joyful mama you could ever imagine as I make May 8th their happy birthday. That’s the essence of adoption: all loss and gain, joy and pain, mourning and celebration wound up together.

I won’t always be able to make their dreams come true. But I’m happy that, even now, at age 11, I still can a little bit. They are embarking on their own paths now; beginning to follow their own dreams. They’re at that age — they’ve got their own lives to live, their own dreams to make real. So, this year, to honor their wishes, despite my own selfish missing-of-it, there is no big birthday bash for my boys. No huge party on the lawn. No bounce house or marching band or piñata. Not even a special birthday dinner. It is basketball practice tonight and a big bball tournament tomorrow. Entirely their choice, their love, their spirit, their dreams-come-true — their AAU schedule made anything else impossible — and Kyle and Owen are 100% good with that. With no party in the works, there was a much bigger gift budget. They had big dreams of iPods and Beats headphones (they live on a college campus, after-all, so only the Beats are the ‘real deal’). And this morning their end-of-the-bed presents made their dreams come true.

These pictures capture the morning of their 11th birthday entirely. No big party this year, but the same birthday boys, as happy as can be, just bigger by the year. Only their mama was choked up and teary-eyed behind the lens snapping these.

It is messy and complex. And I wouldn’t want it any other way. It is the dream I imagined living. 11 years in, I am more and more grateful for them by the year.

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  • Jennifer says:

    That is so much joy.

  • gail bizer says:

    They are just so animated and “happy” so I say go with it and be happy Mom. Great job, they are beautiful

  • Fran Henry says:

    Awww their reactions clearly sum up how happy and ecstatic they are….loll…so clichéd but it’s really hard letting go of those younger day memories. Happy 11th Birthday guys! From the Simpson family !

  • Kate says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY KYLE!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY OWEN!! May you have a wonderful year ahead! Beautiful post and such joyful photos!
    – Kate

  • kj says:

    This is everything

  • Adriane says:

    Chris & I absolutely love these boys! They are truly amazing kids.

  • Kendall says:

    Oh my glob, what BEAUTIFUL boys those are! When I look at those pictures of their mirth I’m overwhelmed with an impulse to laugh out loud with them and also an impulse to burst into tears at the same time.

    Happy birthday, Kyle and Owen! I hope the day that celebrates your wonderful selves is as perfect as it can be!

  • Katie says:

    What a wonderful day of dreams come true! These pictures are pure joy- they make me grin from ear to ear. Happy 11 Kyle and Owen! And Happy Mother’s Day to you, Heather!

  • Sharon says:

    They are now almost the age of the kids I teach. I love the middle school age. They are so joyful and challenging at the same time. Someone, I don’t know who, categorized it as “teenage menopause”. They will grow sooo much in just a short period of years. I know I’ve said this before, but those young men are lucky to have you as a mother. Heck, I wish I had you as a mother (sorry mom….just kidding). I truly believe that we end up with the exact mom we’re supposed to have. And, if by chance we don’t, we’re adopted by the mom we’re supposed to have. You were always supposed to be Kyle and Owen’s mom.
    Happy Birthday Kyle and Owen and Happy Birth Day to you too.

  • Candis says:

    Happy Birthday, K & O! Good luck with your basketball game tomorrow.
    Colin is having a mild heart attack right now because the boys got “Beats” for their birthday. I told him the boys have been EXTRA responsible, thus earning an EXTRA special birthday gift. (I hope he gets the hint.)

  • Gail McCormick says:

    It’s impossible to imagine life without them. They add so much joy!

  • Anna in Turin says:

    Every Mother’s Day, I go thru what you go thru on Kyle and Owen’s birthday….I became a Mom because my son’s Mom relinquished him to adoption…because of poverty…because of a million reasons that we still don’t know.

    Those are happy, happy, healthy, healthy boys…enjoy every minute of getting you love tanked filled because once puberty hits…it’s hands off Mom, I’m a big kid now.

    TANTI AUGURI KYLE AND OWEN! <3 May joy and happiness and good health be with you every day of your lives.

    ciao from Italia

  • lori says:


  • Tara says:

    loved this tribute to the boys and to ALL the feels …. Happy Birthday, guys! We love following your family and we are excited that maybe we will meet in the next year or two. :) HUGS!!

  • Ani says:

    May they always know love and joy. These pictures, with their huge grins and sparkling eyes, are just beautiful. Happy 11th birthday K&O!

  • Em says:

    Happiest of birthdays K & O!! And Happy mother’s day Heather!

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