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Excuses and Explanations (Blog Slacking)

Posted by | February 20, 2012 | Uncategorized | 16 Comments

Too much is happening too fast around here these days. The utter overwhelming nature of my/our life right now has led to a severe lack-of-blogging. Sorry to all those regular readers who miss us when we’re gone (thank you for all of your emails of concern about our MIA status). The truth is, I just haven’t been devoting the time to the blog. The truth is, it has been nice to blow it off. The truth is, I miss blogging when I get out of the habit. The truth is, it is sometimes hard to justify blogging when life is so fast paced (and so many things are falling through the cracks). The truth is, I’m back to the blog tonight. The truth is, we have a CRAZY week ahead of us so I’m not sure if I’ll drop off again.

Here are my Top Ten Excuses and Explanations (for the fact that I’ve been a Seriously Slacking Blogger these past two weeks):

1. These Three. They keep me busy. If that is not a statement of The Obvious, then nothing is. {thank you MorMor for the red-themed V-day outfits. I have had to wash the red UnderArmor hoodies… because the boys have strongly desired to wear them every single day.} The fact is, although these three provide ample blogging material, they just don’t leave me much time to blog.

all in red

2. This Project. Braydon and I are in the process of purging much of our earthly possessions. We’ve been at this since January 1. Over the course of the next few months we plan to radically downsize our life. The de-cluttering/de-stuff-owning/de-knickknacking/purging/giving-away has been (so far) one of the most interesting and awesome experiences I/we have ever had. I estimate it is about 2/3 of our “stuff” that we are ridding ourselves of. Braydon says it is more like 40%. Regardless, it is a lot. And it is occupying a lot of our time. It is a big project.


3. Basketball Games. In addition to the crazy (brutal) basketball schedule that Kyle and Owen maintain (and love) playing for their school team, we’ve gone to three Lehigh basketball games in the past three weeks (that is one game per Saturday). It has been so fun. Lehigh beat Holy Cross, then Colgate, then Lafayette. We invited Kyle and Owen’s school basketball team to the Colgate game. We hosted a group of 30 kids and their families, and I think it was probably a Top 10 high of K & O’s year.

UFS at LU game

We got to sit with Zahir for the Lafayette game. That was also a Top 10 high of K & O’s year.

game with Z

4. Meera’s Latest Obsession. She is not obsessed with basketball. She tolerates basketball (very well, I think, all things considered). Her current obsession is coloring an entire sheet of paper with one color so that the entire sheet is entirely covered. This must be some sort of developmental stage (?)… but it is time consuming… and she wants me to sit with her while she does it… over and over and over and over (with various colors on various sheets of paper). It is such hard work for her; the creation of these masterpieces is a sort of sweet-but-painful experience to witness (over and over and over and over).

game m with ball m coloring

5. Kyle’s Latest Obsession. Kyle is obsessed (and I mean, absolutely obsessed) with space and all things space/solar-system/universe related. He is thinking and talking about space from the minute he wakes up until the minute he goes to bed. More uniquely, he has become “a prolific writer” (direct quote from his teacher). His teacher has him (and only him) now using composition books to try to contain his sheer-volume-of-pages-of-writing. He writes “mostly non-fiction, but some reality-based-fiction” (direct quote from Kyle). His latest was a 4 chapter volume (which he wrote in two sittings: a Friday night, and then the next [Saturday] morning) focused on his idea to create a company that will use rockets to shoot trash from earth into space where it will combust upon making impact with Jupiter and Venus. His plan is to base the rocket-launchers in Haiti, which will provide a substantial boost to the Haitian economy while at the same time fixing the “landfill problem for planet earth.” He backs up his “stories” with data that he finds in books from our bookshelves. If we were willing/able, Kyle would occupy all of our time with his obsessive-compuslive-writing.

k writes 4
k writes 2 k writes

6. Owen’s Latest Obsession. Basketball. Pure and simple. He is absolutely obsessed (he claims, “addicted”) with/to basketball. He literally wakes up, immediately gets dressed into something “basketball cool and sporty” (his words), and runs either outside (until his hands get hypothermia-like cold), or downstairs (to our little over-the-door-hoop) to play play play basketball basketball basketball. Every spare second he has it is basketball basketball basketball. It is driving Braydon and me absolutely crazy. He cannot get enough of it and it is jumping, shooting, dribbling, lay-upping, talking-basketball morning-till-night. He very often gets his brother and sister right into the action too. It is enough to drive their parents nuts. The non-stop-action finally, after about five years of pounding, took its toll on our little over-the-door-indoor-bball-hoop. And because we are truly out of our minds, we bought a new one. We can only blame ourselves for fueling the fire. But we could not handle the make-shift “hoops” that Owen was constantly creating to try to replace the real one.

bball old hoop 2 bball old hoop

bball new hoop 2 bball new hoop

7. MorMor & MorFar’s Visit. They came last week for five days. We had been really looking forward to it. Sadly, the photo below (MorFar and Owen play chess) is the only photo we have of their visit. Why?–you ask– well… let me tell you: They arrived Sunday afternoon, and it started out as a great visit. We had lots of plans for the week, and high hopes for all we’d do and bond over. Instead… we ended up bonding in one of the most horrifying/gross ways imaginable: over the course of the week SIX OF THE SEVEN OF US were struck with a HORRENDOUS STOMACH FLU. Imagine the worst. It started with Meera on Monday (picked her up early because she was throwing up at daycare… then on the drive home… then at home… then raging fever and the whole nine yards), and proceeded to move like a tidal wave through the rest of us over the next few days. Only Owen was spared (MIRACULOUSLY. I swear, the boy has an immune system of steel). It was awful. My poor mother did more loads of vomit-laundry than any grandmother should ever have to do (and then she got IT). Not one of the best visits with MorMor and MorFar (but definitely one of the most memorable). This ordeal (the SICKNESS), alone, would warrant at least a 10-day-blog-break.


8. Valentines Day. V-Day was in there somewhere too. Luckily I had pre-planned for it. I’d learned my lesson the hard way for the prior several years, and finally, this year, made sure we spent substantial time devoted to V-Day during the couple of weekends leading up to it. Still though, around here (thanks to a school that insists on multiple days of handmade gifts — which I truly appreciate and respect, but which is GOD-AWFUL WHEN YOU HAVE TWIN BOYS WHO HATE CRAFTS), V-Day is a huge project. (This year, I just want to say this: THANK YOU PINTEREST FOR SAVING MY LIFE THIS V-DAY SEASON. (And thanks to MorMor, too, who helped in a panicky pinch in the 11th hour). Note, for the record (to accommodate for 3 kids’ worth of classroom valentines): we made *47* of the button-candy hearts pictured below.

valentines v day

9. Trifle Et Cetera. I’ve been cooking and baking with Owen and Meera lately. Kyle has relatively little interest in the kitchen. But Owen and Meera are into it. Amongst other things, we made a Valentine’s Trifle for dessert for MorMor and MorFar’s arrival. I had forgotten what a great idea trifle is for a fun and “fancy” kid-friendly dessert. Try it sometime! Recipe can be found here.

trifle 2  trifle 3

10. Speaking of love… Slice of life: This morning, 9:15am — Meera and Kyle share a spacial brother-sister-breakfast together in Meera’s bedroom (mini pancakes and milk; Kyle’s idea) while Owen and Braydon share piano time downstairs in the playroom (Owen has long been figuring out songs on the piano, but his latest quest is to learn how to write out the music with actual musical notation; Braydon is trying to teach him). This (this tiny slice), for example, is why I am so in love with my life (and is why I want to blog, but also why I want to devote very limited time to it).

m k date
o piano

Postscript. Most of all, the truth is, who would want to be blogging when there is this to be a part of?—


There’s lots and lots of other stuff going on too. So, for the past couple weeks I’ve blown off the blog. Tonight, though, I finally forced myself to catch up on this old blog. We fed the kids an early “Kids Only” dinner (I’m sure someday I’ll miss making these little-kids’-meals), got them to bed, Braydon made martinis, and we turned on The Bachelor (the one and only show we watch, pathetically enough). And somehow, it is so cathartic to pound out a blog post. It makes it seem — somehow — like it will all be harder to forget if I write it down. And as much as these days are nutty-crazy-busy-over-the-top-overhwhelming-at-times… they are good days — truly good days — that I don’t ever want to forget. And these days are passing much too quickly.

Cheers!– to another crazy upcoming week in Never-A-Dull-Moment-Land. And cheers!– to you for following along with this old blog, despite my severe slacking. Thanks for reading y’all. ~H

food production finally blog


  • Kate says:

    Glad to see you’re back and please don’t feel you’re slacking from blogging. I figured life got really busy for you and/or you were struck by illness again – so sorry to hear that hope everyone is feeling much much better. Your children’s obsessions are so endearing and wonderful to read about and it’s so great to see their personalities shining through (I’m so impressed by Kyle’s story writing, and Owen’s enthusiasm and dedication to basketball and I could actually imagine the effort Meera puts into those expressive colouring projects) but I can see how tiring and time-consuming/all consuming it is to parent each of them and through this blog post I’m hearing the joy you get from parenting, the deep love you have for your children and the fact that you are torn between wanting to blog to document the moments and actually be present in those moments speaks volumes. Thank you for sharing!
    – Kate

  • Ann-Elise and Cathy from up in the VT says:

    Yay, you’re back! Thanks for taking the time to tell us what you’ve been up to.

  • Gail McCormick says:


    And you didn’t mention how hard it was for either of you to get any work done, but that should be obvious to all of us! So glad you’re better!!

    Here’s a possible diversion for the kids tonight. Go to: They’ll see the photo of Braydon and Meera on my desk. The boys are on the other side.

  • Joy says:

    love the basketball pics. love the pic of k&m in her room and of o&b at the piano. you may feel like you’re slacking, but these post updates are great.

  • Phyl says:

    Glad that you are all feeling better! I would love to read much more about your “project”. I try to do this on a regular basis – my husband, not so much!

  • lyn-dee says:

    it is tough sometimes to document life at the same time as living it. I was great at it for the 1st 2 years of our son being home with us but this past year has been awful. I just don’t have the energy. Hoping it comes back because I am sure I will regret it later. Thanks for sharing what we all feel.

  • Ashley says:

    Aww so sorry to hear about the stomach virus. Sounds like you made the best of the grandparents visit anyway. Love how excited each of the kids get over their special interest. Each time we have moved , we have purged tons of stuff ( that we never ever miss!) and I think it’s about that time again. Thanks for the reminder! I can’t stand clutter, and the only thing that really gets out of hand here is our playroom. The kids just have way too much stuff. A big family on both sides love to spoil our crew, but mama says enough is enough! We heard good things about Freecycle and plan to giveaway stuff through that site. Have you ever used Freecycle?

    • Heather says:

      We haven’t used Freecycle, but we have a great local not-for-profit thrift store (that serves *truly* in-need families) that is taking most of our stuff. We are also giving some of it away to students, friends, and family. :)

  • Hope Stevens says:

    Oh no! So sorry about the sickness… glad you are “back”! I honestly don’t know how you do everything you do AND blog! Very impressive! I totally understand needing a break from it, but I miss reading your blog when you are gone! :) As always, I am totally in awe of your family and everything you do! Hope everyone stays healthy and you enjoy the rest of the winter….on a side note, have you visited the McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center in NH? Pretty neat place for space-obsessed kids! :)

  • Lea says:

    In regards to the big family (we don’t have a big family but a few members who like to gift), instead of gifting stuff, have you thought about asking for experiences?

    Example: we have a grandparent who pays for music lessons for the past few years as a birthday gift instead of toys or money for toys.

    So lessons, summer camps, college funds, whatever instead of stuff might be a good way to go.

  • Elizabeth Costantino says:

    Just glad all is well and life is busy in a positive way. Glad you watch the Batchelor too as I take flack for watching it. Now I can say a professor watches it. I find it intriguing as a window on human behavior. That is, if it not a set up. Not sure!

  • I’ve been checking every night for awhile – I’m so glad to hear everything is a-okay! I figured you guys were super busy and the thought of a family-wide stomach bug did cross my mind a few days ago! Glad to hear you guys are feeling better. I love Meera’s artwork, and can totally imagine how that would be painful at times to sit through! A little girl I babysat for would incessantly draw rainbows (this lasted for a few months). She was four at the time, and it was all she ever wanted to do. While I didn’t mind indulging, it did become a little redundant, especially because if she accidentally drew out of the lines or mixed up colors, she would insist on starting all over! Ah well, I still have one of her rainbows taped to the wall above my desk :) Kids are funny.

    Also, (and I’m pretty sure I’ve said this before in comments) I truly hope that one day I can parent as well as you do. I realize that we’re not all perfect and there is no real “perfecting parenting” and that each family has it’s own style that works for them, but man… your kids just seem so well adjusted, happy, seem to lead such fulfilling lives. There have been so many times that I’ve read an entry of yours and thought to myself, “Make a mental note of this. Hard parenting work DOES pay off, big time!”

    Thanks again. :)

  • Cheryl Alander says:

    Glad you’re back! Missed you guys.
    Dinner with MorMor tomorrow night…I’ll get to hear the story!
    Be well…

  • Amanda says:

    I love reading your blog. It inspires me to go DO stuff with my kids, which sadly often isn’t my first instinct when work and housework are calling. Your kids are so lucky to have parents who prioritize well AND document it for their future. What a gift you are giving them (and yourselves) in this blog! Thank you so much for the time you take, whenever you take it, and for sharing it with all of us who yearn to parent better.

  • Candis Gillett says:

    I have to admit, Colin and I were wondering…(and a little concerned). He (we) loves to see what K & O are up to since they are exactly 30 days apart in age and from the same ‘hood in Haiti. He saw the Monopoly board and all is now right with the world.
    Good to find y’all back. ( And I completely understand if you can’t bring yourself to blog–even though many of us out here in the blogosphere suffer severe withdrawals.)

  • Molly says:

    In those pictures of Owen and Meera in the kitchen, Owen looks SO OLD!

    I swear I started reading your blog when all the bambinos were tiny! They grow SO fast!

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