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Columbus Day Long Weekend / Fall Kick-Off

Posted by | October 12, 2011 | Uncategorized | 20 Comments

We used the long weekend to kick off Fall. Summer morphs into Fall, right before our eyes. Amazing, how that happens. There’s no stopping it.

cherry tree DSC_9159

What started out as a cool crisp Fall-is-in-the-air weekend, quickly morphed into a looks-like-Fall-but-feels-like summer weekend. Just like somehow scenes like this:

brother love 1

…quickly morph into this:

brother love 2

Friday night was our First Friday. Owen chose to go to Cracker Barrel, after all the great reports on it from his brother. He ate an entire adult-sized meal platter of ham, glazed carrots, macaroni and cheese,and biscuits with butter. There wasn’t a spec left on his plate. This is not the kind of food their mama makes, but my boys (Braydon too) love this stuff. After we ate, Owen and I played checkers.

Our First Friday checkers match started off fun-and-serious, but quickly morphed into swing-the-head-back-laughter-and-glee when Owen realized full well that he was about to beat his mama fair and square:

First Friday checkers 2

One of the reasons that Checker Barrel is such a hit is the store there. With Kyle, and then again with Owen, I let them pick out something for themselves and gifts to bring home to their siblings. They love gifting their siblings. Owen picked out three “piano horns” – at $4.99 a piece, these were a steal – and once these “piano horns” were opened up (bright and early on Saturday morning in Mama and Papi’s bed), they then proceeded to be played alllll weeeeeekend loooooooong.


It was o.k., though, because the beauty of the rest of the weekend more than made up for the obnoxiousness of those “piano horns.”

Tabora 2

Let’s be clear though: in every bin of fresh-from-the-tree apples, amidst all the beauties, are some not-so-beautiful ones. Can I hear an ‘Amen’? And in every glorious long weekend of warm autumn breezes, picnics, and pumpkins, are some not-so-glorious moments. Can it just go without saying, please, that of course, amidst the loveliness of it all our weekend was also splattered with our share of yuck? While our photos purposefully attempt to capture the lovely, the unphotographed yuck included, amongst other things, 1 puke into the woods on the edge of a parking lot; 1 emergency toddler pee stop on the side of the road; more “CUT IT OUT!”’s than I could possibly count; a few feisty spats; 2 time outs; 1 white skirt completely ruined by mud stains; a couple of hard-core meltdowns; and a To Do List that didn’t even come close to having half of the items checked off it. So, yes, let’s just acknowledge it: it is imperfect. And yes, it should go without saying that: we sift through our moments, we more-often-than-not choose to focus on the good, and we let the bad filter on out as much as possible.

There was a trip to our favorite Farm Shop to pick up a picnic lunch on our way to Peace Valley—

Tabora 3 Peace Valley owen

…where we proceeded to have a heavenly time soaking it all in.

1a 1b

2a 2b


4a 4b



And then it was off to a fabulous party at friends of ours’ farm, where our kids proceeded to have an absolutely fabulous time.

1a 1b


3a 3b

4a 4b

The next morning there were waffles, made by Meera (with just a little help from Mama):

waffles 1

…which morphed into after-breakfast-conversation that lingered and lingered while Kyle relished in telling us about how he wants to be an astronaut, explore outer space, and “study the planets”:

waffles K

And then it was off to the Sunday morning Farmer’s Market, followed by a nice long bike ride:

farmers market 1 farmers market 2

farmers market 3

bike ride 2 bike ride 6

bike ride 8

bike jumps 1

bike jumps 2

bike ride O

And another picnic (2 picnics in 2 days = 1 awesome weekend). And this particular picnic, on the side of the bike trail…

bike ride picnic 3

…quickly morphed into steep-slope-climbing and maniacal-mud-sliding:

bike ride morph 2 bike ride morph 3

Which was followed by our last trip to Ritas of the season… which quickly morphed into the kind of crazy sister love that only a sugar rush can provoke:

Ritas Ritas morph

Back at home there was sprinkler playing:

sprinkler 2

sprinkler 3

sprinkler 5 sprinkler 4

sprinkler 8 sprinkler 1

…which quickly morphed into “soup making”:

sprinkler morph sprinkler soup 2

And tree swinging… that quickly morphed into tree climbing:

tree swing tree swing morph 1

And somehow, peppered in there, there was also time for rainbow painting:


And chess playing:

chess K

chess O

Bedtime-routine-with-kittens (yes, they are slogging their way through Harry Potter), and early-to-bed-sweet-dreaming (for a girl who hits the hay at 6:30 if there has been no nap that day):

kittens  M asleep

All in all, it was a lovely few days (with a smattering of yuck). Perfect is so over-rated.



  • Jojoluv says:

    Poor Heather. You look so tightly wound. Hopefully your kiddos can teach you the beauty of relaxing and letting down your hair. You’d be surprised at how much fun you could have!

    • Heather says:

      Is this a joke? Because my hair is in a ponytail in the only two photos of me? Because seriously? –oh my gosh… you have NO IDEA!– I have more fun with my kids than any other parent I know. For real. I put my hair in a ponytail almost everyday so that I don’t have to waste time fussing with it (so that I can have more time for FUN with my “kiddos”). And, I’d like you to please note: I’m happy as a clam in the last photo, and painting a flippin’ *rainbow* (in my pajamas with a cup of coffee and my 3-year-old, on a lazy quiet Sunday morning) in the other picture!!!! How much more engaged/relaxed could I be?!
      I delete most negative comments (and believe me, we get LOTS), but this one…. I just had to hit publish… because seriously?!… it is just LAUGHABLE.

      • Julie says:

        Love, love, love your response to this! I also don’t waste time fussing with my hair and your “flippin’ rainbow” is awesome! IMO, you always look like you are having fun – the kind of parent I would like to be in my next life!

      • Amy says:

        I find that comment so offensive….I love reading this blog because of how relaxed Heather and Braydon are AND how much fun they truly have with their kids…it inspires me everytime! I can only hope that my daughter thinks our live is half as relaxed and fun as this family’s life is portrayed!

    • Braydon says:

      Heather =
      Intense: yes
      Fun loving: very yes
      Generous with her affection: more than anyone I know
      Bringing out the best in others and her kids: an inspiration to follow
      Getting the most out of life each and everyday: no body does it better
      Soaking in quiet, relaxing and fun time with her family: the best there is around

      Tightly wound: nope.

      • NJTed says:

        Braydon, I have to confess, if I was in your shoes, I might not have been so nice about it. You two are both people of God. It’s sad when people deliberately read into things that are not there just to make others feel down.

  • Kate says:

    What a wonderful blissful enjoyable weekend you all had!!! I savoured each photo mesmerised by nature’s beauty and your fantastic photography skills Heather! And soaked up your words, beautifully- written post and your glass-half-full (or glass completely full and then some!!) parenting and positive fun-loving attitude exudes through no doubt!! Thanks for sharing a slice of your life with us all :)
    – Kate

  • Rebecca says:

    Looks like a fun weekend! This isn’t related to this post, but I have to mention your blog has been a lifesaver. I recently got married, and starting cooking everyday. All the recipes from this blog (especially the scrimp scampi!) are amazing. Thank you!

  • Ashley says:

    Ha@ the letting your hair down part! Maybe the poster meant letting your hair down as in letting loose? At least that’s how my granny refers to that! Either way, you always seem to be having fun with the children so not sure what they meant by that comment. No worries. You know best and that’s all that matters!
    On a different note… I miss your food swap posts! Will they ever come back? You don’t have to write long posts, but at least, pretty please, share the recipes ?

  • Ashley says:

    Oh forgot to say that my absolute fave pic is the one of Meera hugging Kyle’s neck while hes eating ice cream! Love it!!

  • Jackson says:

    Letting your hair down is an idiom. I’m kind of surprised you didn’t know that. It means behave in a free or uninhibited way. I would have just ignored the post. What does it matter?

    • Heather says:

      Oh please! Of course I know it is an idiom!!! The comment matters to me because I pour my heart and soul into this blog and it hurts my feelings when people say insensitive things to me. I am human, after all, and at times I just simply reach my saturation point with the negativity.

  • Phyl says:

    Poor Heather? What on earth was she talking about?? MY response to your blog was to feel a little tired just reading about your rich, full weekend. I then thought about how much I admire you for allowing your bambinos to do all the fun things that they do! Mud sliding indeed! I’m sure that I was a bit too uptight with my sons….worrying about them getting hurt or too dirty. I think you’re doing everything just right!

  • MorMor says:

    You guys always have the best time!! Oh how I wished we lived closer so I walk about Peace Valley with you and go on the rail trail biking with you! What great parents to think of the kids and what they’ll love first. You couldn’t be a better mom Heather. I love you and am so darn proud of you and ALL you do with + for your family. XO

  • Kathryn says:

    I love the picture where Meera is holding onto Kyle (I think it’s Kyle, my apologies if it isn’t!) for dear life as they mudslide, with Owen’s arm around her too. I have great memories of doing similar things with my elder siblings!

  • Gail McCormick says:

    I guess one of the problems with posting comments (and email) is that you can’t be absolutely sure of what someone means especially if you can’t hear the tone of voice. And as I have often said, unless someone has actually experienced you, Braydon and the kids, he/she can’t really appreciate how much you put into making their lives wonderful (even with meltdowns, time outs, etc.) and how much you enjoy them. Your love for them is endless. They are sooooo lucky.

  • Lisa Brown says:

    I think this must be my first time commenting…love the pics thanks for sharing and Bleh to the negative comment.
    Cheers Lisa

  • Katie says:

    Oh my goodness how I love this blog! I’m a little behind in catching up. Tightly wound? Seriously?! I’m thinking adventurous, creative, fun, inspiring are more appropriate ways to describe Heather and Braydon. This blog reminds me to lighten up a little more and enjoy each moment with my kids. A tightly wound parent certainly wouldn’t have such confident exhuberant children. I’m wondering why people who have such negative things to say bother to read this blog in the first place…just to be nasty and criticize? If they don’t agree with your parenting style or family choices they should just stop reading your blog. I hope you can forget about them and continue to keep writing. There are lots of us that admire your ability to be a devoted mother, wife, career woman, chef, and blogger and we love your blog. Cheers!

  • NJTed says:

    That photo made my eyes well up, (brother love 2), it’s just beautiful. It reminds me that I need to tell my sisters that I love them more often.

  • Amy says:

    The photo of your kiddos running through the sprinkler warms my heart!

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